Friday, May 12, 2006

# 2 Spiritual Assessment

At Montefiore we chart by exception. There is a review of systems checklist that also includes educational assessment and spiritual assessment. Every time I document I see that checkbox, and think how exactly do you spiritually assess someone? We learn in school about cultural and spiritual differences, but I've never seen anyone else on my unit write a spiritual assessment in their notes. And then I wonder how to respectfully and tactfully complete this assessment.....Are you having any pain? on a scale of 1-10 how would you rate your pain? Have you had a bowel movement recently? Are you feeling nauseous? Any swelling in your legs? Do you love Jesus?? On a scale of 1-10 how would you rate your love for Jesus?....probably not the best approach.

What might be some "softer" questions to ask that may bridge into a discussion about a person's spiritual life? Do you have any examples from your practice of being able to spiritually assess your patient? Do you think it is right for us to try to objectively chart our impressions of someone's spirituality? What responses should we be looking for to determine if someone is spiritually healthy or unhealthy?


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